“Tonight is about Krystal and Lee.” – R. Seacrest
Actually, it was more about Simon’s send off. And Ms. Abdul returning to Idol to send him off. She looked great, by the way.
The fact that every time Krystal and Lee began a song they were instructed to introduce a real artist, makes me think they really weren’t the focus of the evening. Also, since you’re making this statement to remind us who it is supposed to be about, leads me to believe that you knew the audience had been made to focus on other things that were not named Krystal and Lee.
Somewhere during my hiatus from Idol, it turned into a glorified karaoke contest. I didn’t tune in for the season in its entirety, but had to see what the co-hosts of ‘The View,’ I mean my real-life friends, were gabbing about. And all I can say is…
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Bowersux. And her hair would enjoy the attention from a comb. Sorry, that was a low-blow. But so was her rendition of 'Ironic.' More on that later.
Karaoke is defined as “singing along with music where the vocals have been eliminated.” Maybe I should change my original statement, as these idol contestants were lucky to have the support of the actual artists. Sorry Alanis that you had to go through that. Krystal almost ruined one of your timeless songs. And Janet…thank God you came out to cut them off in their unharmonious version of ‘Again.’ PS-I like you without your weave. We can see that authentic Jackson plastic-surgeon bone structure. Why let all that money go to waste under the Cousin-It madness of fake Indian hair?! I digress.
What happened to the J. Huds winnin Oscars?
Or the Carrie’s cleaning up at the Grammys?
Neither of you, mark my words, will ever hold the weight of an award statue. Unless we are including ‘Kid’s Choice Awards’ or ‘MTV Music Awards’ which are not really considered awards. Well, it depends on whom you ask I suppose. So maybe talk to Kanye. He’s hella surrrious about the MTV recognition.
Exhibit A:
The cast of ‘Glee’ should all audition for American Idol. Or is there some clause that forbids anyone with actual talent to enter the contest?
Seems to always come back to the fantastic-ness of 'Glee.' What an episode last night by the way, props to Kurt's dad, Burt. Hatin on the Hate.
And I’ll leave you with my favorite quote of the evening:
“What would you do if I sang out of tune?” – Lee.
Hmm..I would say turn off the TV set, but clearly this is not happening (see previous blog where I discussed how “easy” it is to do this).
Instead, I guess we’ll just make you the next American Idol.
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