Monday, March 22, 2010

Healthcare 'scoreboard'

Fox News' latest opinion piece is titled "Obama to America: I win, you lose." Can someone please explain this to me? How does Healthcare reform amount to an 'Obama: 1 America: 0' scoreboard?
Spoiler Alert to Fox News: Obama has health care. I would go out on a limb here and say that Obama has the best healthcare in America. Hell, Obama's dog Bo probably has better health care than the majority of Americans as I'm sure he is able to have regular check ups; A luxury- most don't get to see the fruits of the inside of a doctor's office, let alone a vet's office. Obama is pretty much set. If anything, this healthcare reform is the opposite of selfishness as he is trying to spread the stethoscope love to make sure we have healthy hearts beating in your chests. How dare he.

On 'The View' this morning, Elisabeth Hasselbeck stated that this is not the will of the majority of the people. Really, because I'm pretty sure that the majority of the people that don't have healthcare and even those that do, try to avoid the doctor like the plague, because of the fear of extreme co-pays for a simple check-up and prescriptions. Problem is, while avoiding the office, they might get the plague (Note: Not the ACTUAL Bubonic plague, I'm being metaphorical for all illnesses, stay with me). What do you think is cheaper Elisabeth, treating a disease after it is in advanced stages or treating it early? Or wait, secret door #3 offers preventing preventative illness altogether by seeing the doctor on a regular basis and staying on top of your health. Yes, I know, in a perfect world, right? I'm pretty sure the best thing that happened on this chat fest was the following:

Elisabeth: Anything that is mandated is a problem.
Whoopi: It's just like any other insurance Elisabeth. Are you upset that you have to have insurance for your car?
Whoopi: 1 Elisabeth: 0

And also, I'm pretty sure the majority (let's revisit: 219-212) voted for this. But not one Republican. When Americans are able to take themselves and their children to the doctor's office and they're reading their 'Highlights' magazine in the waiting room, I hope they remember that not one Republican wanted them to have the right to sit in that seat and read that 'Highlights' magazine at the doctor's office. Well, unless you were just with your 'rich' friend tagging along on their doctor's appointment, because that's how it should be. Duh.

The goal of having healthcare reform is so we can focus on being preventative instead of reactive. It is so much cheaper to fix an ill in our bodies when caught early on rather than in its advanced stages. It's also much less emotional and financial stress when you aren't going through the turmoil of stage 4 cancer than if detected at stage 1. We find ourselves saying "if only we'd known sooner" and "early detection is best" but here we are arguing against something that will help us with this. WTF Republicans?

Can someone please explain this to me??

In conjunction with healthcare reform, people will be educated by being able to go visit a physician. A lot of people eat unhealthy because they don't know the longterm ramifications of saturated fats in their daily diets. They shovel this food in their mouths as well as their childrens and this habit becomes a lifestyle. 75% of people are overweight in this country, are we really not seeing any type of relationship between this and the amount of people who are uninsured?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that this healthcare reform will magically change the way all people think, eat, live, exercise, etc. But I'm saying that it will give people the opportunity that they may not have to live better. And isn't that what this great land is all about?

"This was a vote of common sense." -Obama.
Now this is what I would call Obama: 1 GOP: 0


  1. I'm so happy it finally got passed and you are right on the money. The funny thing is health care was the second most important issue to the American public when Obama got elected and the Democrats swept into Congress with huge margins. This is the will of the American people, numbers have only gone down because they're sick of hearing about it. Republicans were against social security and medicare too, soon they won't say anything bad about health care either.

  2. I know! Isn't it amazing the lack of patience people have when it comes to really "important" issues? Instead, it's easier to criticize Obama at his 1 year mark back in January about what HASN'T been done, than what he is trying to do and in the midst of doing. Change happens overtime, not overnight.
