Sunday, August 2, 2009

Tyra, how I loathe thee..let me count the ways...

A friend of mine, who's name won't be mentioned to protect her identity, suggested I write a blog about the one person who irritates me the most: Ms. Tyra Banks. I didn't always not like Tyra, but it seems like in the past 5-7 years, she has clawed her way up the Hollywood sign to make sure she stayed famous after her model-esque body said buh-bye. What has she done for me to dislike her so, you ask? I'm glad you asked...let me begin.

5. She started 'America's Next Top Model.' Now, I am guilty of watching this show for maybe 6 of the 13ish seasons. I think the people are interesting, the shoots are cool, and of course, who doesn't like watching drama that isn't their own. BUT Tyra just created this show to tell other people how to model more like her. If that isn't narcism, I don't know what is. And no Tyra, I can't see the difference. I must not be cut out to be a model.

4. She thinks she's Oprah. Well you might say, Teela you're not mad at Ellen for taking a 4pm competing spot with Oprah, so why the anger towards Tyra's early afternoon show? Well, Ellen knows who she is and sticks to what she's good at-comedy. Tyra is a model...not a therapist and has no experience or accreditation that says otherwise. So stop giving sucky advice and further ruining these poor people's lives.

3. She won an 'Emmy' for a show that she claims to bring people on to "help" although most of the time, it always comes back to her 'rough' childhood. Man, going to Paris at 17 and then making millions of dollars does suck.

2. In her Emmy speech she thanked her mother for her perspiration. Yes, I would thank my mother for my sweat glands as well. Idiot.

1. And the number one reason I can't stand Tyra is because she once equaled herself to our Civil Rights leaders. I'm sorry Tyra, you were never incarcerated for anything you did and I think in categorizing yourself with these true leaders, you are discrediting their fight. You were blessed with an anorexically (word?) thin body that someone said, hey, let's put a swimsuit on that and use you in commercials and magazines and stuff. Good for you. But being the first Black model on the cover of 'Sports Illustrated' is hardly equal to MLK or Rosa Parks fighting for equal rights. Dumbass.

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