Friday, December 30, 2011

I'll do better.

As much as I hate cliches, I don't hate self-improvement and I think everyone should always be attempting to become a better version of themselves. Unless you suck as a human being. Maybe it's just best you start from scratch. So for that reason, I like to at least have goals in mind for the New Year. This past year I didn't quite conquer my list which is unpublished as I didn't want the whole world my few readers to be aware of my shortcomings. But lo and behold, my failures and criterion met, await:


  • I moved (to Seattle)
  • I got a job right when I moved
  • I exercised more 
  • I traveled a fair share and went somewhere new (Park City, Canada, Barbados, NYC, Vegas-in a matter of hours)
  • I ate better


  • I didn't reach my reading goal 
  • I didn't write more
  • I didn't exercise as much as I should have
  • I'm still a "realist" which is my euphemism for pessimist
In spite of the failures, I still had a good year. Plenty of fun was had. Good people were met, bad people were tolerated. Pages were turned, stories unfolded. Poor decisions were made, consequences paid but bad times don't endure when you're stronger than them. Or at least my people are stronger than them which gives me everything I need. Life lessons were learned. Adventures were sought and conquered. Memories, oh the memories, were captured in photos, in heart and written.

[With mom in Barbados. July 4, 2011]

So next year, I'll do better. And maybe on December 31 2012, I'll feel so inclined to share that list.

365 more. Oh-twelve, here we go.

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