Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Rent IS too damn high.

Thank God Midterm elections are O to the VER.

I'm also very thankful for Jimmy McMillan for sending us comic relief in his newly founded party: The Rent is Too Damn High Party. Hey, makes more sense to me than the tea party.
I'm sick of the libel that invades my mailbox on its unfriendly card stock.
I'm sick of the slander that interrupts my otherwise pleasant television watching experience. I'm sick of the lies that people regurgitate as truths in order to further their own political career claiming it's really the people they care about.
I'm sick of the hate and disrespect for our President that so easily slides off the tongues of [Fox] news correspondents, disregarding the inheritance of a poo-pile on his desk from a President they elected.
I'm plain ill by the little regard and civility we have toward other human beings when trying to be elected into office.

We have people claiming not to be witches in the same breath they are talking about masturbation (but something tells me you are a witch, O'Donnell), taking baseball bats to the podium in their cessation speeches (what the hell Paladino?), Americans stomping on each other's heads because they cannot accept peaceful blue protesters, and elected officials claiming that our President is taking lavish trips that cost the American people 200 million dollars a day only to find out these "factual" numbers came from an anonymous source in the Indian media. These are the people running [or attempting] to gain a seat in our government.

They be crazy.

Batsh*t crazy. [Related: Why is it that bat feces are seen as crazy?]

No wonder Jon Stewart felt the need to have a rally to restore sanity. Although a satirical persona, Stewart is a smart guy and articulated something that I'm sure many of you believe to be at the root of our problem. The media.

"The press can hold its magnifying glass to our problems and illuminate problems heretofore unseen. Or it can use its magnifying glass to light ants on fire, and then perhaps host a week of shows on the sudden, unexpected dangerous-flaiming-ant epidemic. If we amplify everything, we hear nothing."

Yep. That about sums it up.

We can't base elections off of who spent more money dragging their opponent through a poo-storm. Oh wait, we do. What a waste of time and resources. Why not donate that money to the economic turmoil you're complaining about in your stump or to a cause where it actually goes toward helping people. Because that's what you want to do when you're in office right? Help people? Not to sound cliche, but put your fat wad of cash where your mouth is.

I wish we could do away with parties altogether. I know this wouldn't be possible as we see each other as either red or blue (and if you're not one of these, we don't care). How I long for the days when 'Tea Party' was something I associated with a girl called Alice in wonderland. And while I'm wishing for things, I also miss the days where Sarah Palin was not part of our vernacular and certainly not meshed in the same sentence as 'candidate for Commander in Chief.'

I'm starting to feel ill again. So I'll leave you with this:

"Most Americans don't live their lives solely as Democrats or Republicans or conservatives or liberals. Most Americans live their lives that they're just a little bit late for something they have to do. Often it's something they do not want to do, but they do it. Impossible things get done every day that are only made possible by the little, reasonable compromises." - J. Stewart

I'm pretty certain though, that the insanity all goes back to one issue and one issue alone:

The rent is too. damn. high.

1 comment:

  1. I love John Stewart, he reminds me that I'm not the only sane person in this country every evening at 10.
