Everyone has something they detest seeing on their Facebook newsfeed:
- People’s dinner they prepared or cupcakes they baked and decorated.
- Photos of their children.
- Obsessive play-by-plays of someone watching a sporting competition as if they’re vying for an official announcer position from their couch.
- More of the above but making calls as a replacement referee.
- Inspirational quotations that they’ve googled to fit their emotions of that day.
- Trending Youtube videos.
- Check-ins at 24 Hour Fitness.
- #Hashtags.
- Photos of their adorable nieces and nephews.
- Exceptionally vague messages about bad things happening that begs the question to their “friends” to ask “what’s wrong?!!”
- Engagement rings.
- Ultra sound photos [more photos of children].
And of course, the political rant.
For some reason, I hardly hear people openly outraged about most of this list, save for the political rant: “Keep your politics to yourself.”
Or my favorite, “Your political rant isn’t going to change anyone’s mind,” which I’ve seen on a number of Facebook walls.
Applying this equal logic, do you think your post will inspire my non-Betty-Crocker-baking-self to bake a fresh batch of your special pumpkin cupcakes? And furthermore, will I find myself at 24 hour fitness post-novice baking experience to work off those calories because of your recent check-in at said gym? Probably not. Unless I’m stalking you. Which I'm not of course...
Note: I may however ask you where you bought your cute scarf in the self-portrait you've just posted, though.
The status update window specifically asks “what's on YOUR mind?” And in this wonderful country of ours, we have the freedom of speech to say what it is we choose. We also have the equally beautiful opportunity to block posts by friends that we find unappetizing or to unfriend them altogether. I’d suggest the latter, although it could be really awkward if you actually see the person. Which let’s be honest, you probably won’t. Unless again, I'm stalking you as you have just checked in at a bar 2.75 miles away from me...But I swear, I'm not.
Post what you want to post. I won't criticize you (unless I'm discussing broader themes of the Facebook post on my blog, of course). If this is the way we socialize now and is a way we are able to speak to many people via one medium, then let's take advantage of this spectacular opportunity to engage in intelligent conversation. I’d much rather see people engaged and conversing about the political process; something that has bearing on our education system, employment, women’s rights, equality for everyone no matter who it is they choose to kiss good morning or goodnight, rather than be updated on what nonsensical thing Honey boo boo or her illiterate mother said. I don't care if they don’t align with my views; I care that you care. We learn from discussion and debate and since the world is becoming less physically interactive where we don't actually ask a friend to go to Starbucks for some Hazelnut Hot Chocolate, use Facebook as your coffee shop.
So let's chat. Or get a real cup of coffee. You bring those cupcakes you keep posting about.