A week ago, I was at one of my favorite spots in Portland, enjoying one of my favorite delicious holiday beverages with one of my favorite people.
In order: Deschutes Brewery, Super Jubelale, Mike.
As I strategically picked off the tomatoes off of our Flatbread pizza and Mike & I traded stories to catch up on our lapse in seeing one another, Mike halts the convo.
"Phil Dunphy is behind you!"
Of course I believed Mike to be simply referring to a Dunphy Doppleganger. I turned around and there, 5 feet away from me was Ty Burrell. I freaked out.
Let's back-up. 'Modern Family' has been a favorite of mine since it came on the air and I am an addicted fan. More importantly, I
ADORE Ty in particular and claimed him as one of the year's best people last year-
here. Not just best, but #1. I can't begin to explain how many ab muscles I credit him with for all the laughs that come from Phil Dunphy moments. Let's just look at a recent example that really doesn't need any context:
"I'll admit it, I'm turned on by powerful women. Michelle Obama, Oprah, Condoleeza Rice, Serena Williams...wait a minute..." -Phil Dunphy
In my craze, I stood up from my barstool and started rifling through my purse that was hanging by hook, to search for my camera while Mike and I repeated, "I can't believe Phil Dunphy's here" and other fan-like things. In the process, my purse falls off the hook, I'm giggling uncontrollably as a woman about 12 inches away from me looks in my direction. We would later figure her to be Ty Burrell's wife, as she was sitting next to him at the head of their table.
Ty exits to the facilities and I await his return. I know this sounds cray, but I'm sure if one of your favorite comedic personalities was in the same vicinity as you, you might react in a similar fashion.
As he came out of the bathroom and I secretly hoped he was a hand washer, I approached him. I apologized for interrupting his evening, but told him something along the lines of how much I enjoyed the show and Phil Dunphy. He put his hand out.
"What's your name?" -Phil Dunphy, I mean Ty Burrell
"I'm Teela." -Me
"Hi Teela, nice to meet you. I'm Ty." -Ty Burrell
Yes, we're on a first name basis. I asked him to take a picture with us, he happily complied, and went on to eat with his family/friends/wife who saw me freak out over her husband in the bar.
[Mike, Ty Burrell, Me]
What made this moment so great is that I was with a fellow 'Modern Family' lover and it was in the beauty of the unexpected. I can't say that I enjoy all surprises, but this one definitely perked up my evening. And for the duration of that night, I would somehow integrate this momentous occasion into completely unrelated discussion:
"Always a line for the ladies room, huh?" -Woman stranger waiting for the restroom
"I know, tell me about it. So do you watch Modern Family?"